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Tom Brokaw for President?
The possibility that newscaster Tom Brokaw would run for president in 2012 is the subject of my latest weekly column, which is up at Reason.com. The column is prompted by Mr. Brokaw's new book, The Time of Our Lives: A Conversation About America. You can read the column here: "Neither of his parents attended college. His mother grew up in a house without indoor plumbing, and she worked nights as a waitress. His wife made her entire college wardrobe at her Singer sewing machine. Yet eventually he made millions of dollars a year. The candidate's issues-based campaign platform includes getting tough on public employee unions, expanding charter schools, privatizing public toll roads, and means-testing Medicare."
Tom Brokaw for President?
The possibility that newscaster Tom Brokaw would run for president in 2012 is the subject of my latest weekly column, which is up at Reason.com. The column is prompted by Mr. Brokaw's new book, The Time of Our Lives: A Conversation About America. You can read the column here: "Neither of his parents attended college. His mother grew up in a house without indoor plumbing, and she worked nights as a waitress. His wife made her entire college wardrobe at her Singer sewing machine. Yet eventually he made millions of dollars a year. The candidate's issues-based campaign platform includes getting tough on public employee unions, expanding charter schools, privatizing public toll roads, and means-testing Medicare."
What NBC Left on the Cutting Room Floor
All too often journalists sitting across the table from Arab leaders do their utmost to avoid asking any tough questions, lest they give "offense" to people clearly unused to being challenged. But now and then an intrepid interviewer does pose the uncomfortable question to a king or potentate. NBC's Tom Brokaw, for example, in a recent interview asked the tough questions of Jordan's King Abdullah. Why did they end up on the cutting room floor?
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Tom Brokaw
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