The BBC ruled that Jeremy Bowen failed to be accurate or impartial. Its investigation also revealed that he is willing to resort to dishonesty to justify his partisan reporting.
The Independent ran several columns expressing fury about the BBC Trust's ruling that Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen violated ethical guidelines — perhaps because the newspaper itself is guilty of the same sort of inaccurate, advocacy journalism.
The BBC Trust's ruling that its Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen violated the broadcaster's ethical guidelines calling for impartiality and accuracy amplifies concerns that BBC News coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict is largely biased against Israel.
If one were to depend solely on the BBC for information about the Arab-Israeli conflict, one might understandably come away with the impression that Israel is at the root of all evil in the Middle East.
The BBC's online account of the Six-Day War is marred by omissions, exaggerations, and outright anti-Israel bias. See also:• BBC: Obstacle to Understanding on Water• BBC: Obstacle to Understanding on Jerusalem• BBC: Obstacle to Understanding on Refugees
BBC's coverage of the Middle East has an underlying text: Israel is at the root of all the region's conflicts. This biased perspective, exhibited in much of BBC's reporting, is institutional.