The End of Accountability
Matt Bai has a column in the New York Times linking together ObamaCare's Independent Payment Advisory Board for Medicare, which Obama budget director Peter Orszag called the "single-biggest yielding of power to an independent entity since the creation of the Federal Reserve," and the 18-member debt commission aimed at helping to balance the budget. Mr. Bai writes, "Taken together, all of these proposals would seem to represent a clear exertion of executive power over the legislative branch from an administration that was supposed to have been more deferential to Congressional prerogatives."
A Primary for Obama
A column in the New York Times, discussing the possibility of a primary challenge from the left against President Obama, observes, "it probably isn't coincidental that none of the last four American presidents to face primaries while seeking re-election — Johnson, Gerald R. Ford, Carter and George H. W. Bush — survived to serve another term." The Times doesn't mention it, but there's a chance that a primary from the left might help President Obama by making him appear more centrist and less left-wing. For me, the presence of John Edwards and Dennis Kucinich and even on some issues (individual mandate for health insurance) Hillary Clinton in the Democratic debates and primaries in 2008 had that effect for Mr. Obama.
The End of Accountability
Matt Bai has a column in the New York Times linking together ObamaCare's Independent Payment Advisory Board for Medicare, which Obama budget director Peter Orszag called the "single-biggest yielding of power to an independent entity since the creation of the Federal Reserve," and the 18-member debt commission aimed at helping to balance the budget. Mr. Bai writes, "Taken together, all of these proposals would seem to represent a clear exertion of executive power over the legislative branch from an administration that was supposed to have been more deferential to Congressional prerogatives."
A Primary for Obama
A column in the New York Times, discussing the possibility of a primary challenge from the left against President Obama, observes, "it probably isn't coincidental that none of the last four American presidents to face primaries while seeking re-election — Johnson, Gerald R. Ford, Carter and George H. W. Bush — survived to serve another term." The Times doesn't mention it, but there's a chance that a primary from the left might help President Obama by making him appear more centrist and less left-wing. For me, the presence of John Edwards and Dennis Kucinich and even on some issues (individual mandate for health insurance) Hillary Clinton in the Democratic debates and primaries in 2008 had that effect for Mr. Obama.
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Matt Bai