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Caroline Baum on Taxes
Bloomberg News's Caroline Baum has a new column with two provocative ideas on taxes and Congress. One is a Constitutional Amendment either repealing the 16th Amendment (the one that gave Congress the power to levy an income tax) or limiting that power: "Congress may extend no credit, deduction, or other distinction of law regarding tax rates, filing status or type of economic or business activity unless it is applicable to all taxpayers."
Caroline Baum on Taxes
Bloomberg News's Caroline Baum has a new column with two provocative ideas on taxes and Congress. One is a Constitutional Amendment either repealing the 16th Amendment (the one that gave Congress the power to levy an income tax) or limiting that power: "Congress may extend no credit, deduction, or other distinction of law regarding tax rates, filing status or type of economic or business activity unless it is applicable to all taxpayers."
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