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Articles about the work of Keith Hennessey

Answering Paul Krugman on Taxes

Keith Hennessey has a really wonderful response to Paul Krugman's New York Times column from yesterday on taxes. The American Thinker's Richard Baehr also takes on Professor Krugman on some of the factual points in an article that initially struck me as having an inappropriately and gratingly screechy tone but that upon reflection I realized is probably intended as a satire of Professor Krugman's own tactic of accusing those who disagree with him of being liars.

Thanks to the reader-participant-community member-watchdog-content co-creator who sent the American Thinker piece. The Hennessey piece came from the morning e-mail of Mr. Hennessey's Economic Policies for the 21st Century group.


Keith Hennessey on the Obama Budget

Keith Hennessey has thoughts on the Obama budget: "The President is choosing both a policy path and a campaign strategy. He is betting that having no proposal to address the looming fiscal crisis is better for his reelection prospects than having one."

And: "The President is proposing an ordinary liberal spending agenda at an extraordinary time in our fiscal history....Demographics, unsustainable benefit promises, and health care cost growth are the problems to be solved. The President instead wants to build more trains and make sure rural areas have 4G smartphone coverage."


Two Takes on the Gang of Six

Keith Hennessey offers 17 reasons he opposes the "Gang of Six" budget plan, and James Capretta warns, "It's a terrible, terrible plan. It will hand the president a huge strategic victory and deliver nothing that the GOP should be seeking in this fight."


Two Takes on the Gang of Six

Keith Hennessey offers 17 reasons he opposes the "Gang of Six" budget plan, and James Capretta warns, "It's a terrible, terrible plan. It will hand the president a huge strategic victory and deliver nothing that the GOP should be seeking in this fight."


Answering Paul Krugman on Taxes

Keith Hennessey has a really wonderful response to Paul Krugman's New York Times column from yesterday on taxes. The American Thinker's Richard Baehr also takes on Professor Krugman on some of the factual points in an article that initially struck me as having an inappropriately and gratingly screechy tone but that upon reflection I realized is probably intended as a satire of Professor Krugman's own tactic of accusing those who disagree with him of being liars.

Thanks to the reader-participant-community member-watchdog-content co-creator who sent the American Thinker piece. The Hennessey piece came from the morning e-mail of Mr. Hennessey's Economic Policies for the 21st Century group.


Keith Hennessey on the Obama Budget

Keith Hennessey has thoughts on the Obama budget: "The President is choosing both a policy path and a campaign strategy. He is betting that having no proposal to address the looming fiscal crisis is better for his reelection prospects than having one."

And: "The President is proposing an ordinary liberal spending agenda at an extraordinary time in our fiscal history....Demographics, unsustainable benefit promises, and health care cost growth are the problems to be solved. The President instead wants to build more trains and make sure rural areas have 4G smartphone coverage."


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