Jim Tisch in Bloomberg News
The CEO of Loews Corp., Jim Tisch, who is smart, gives an interview to Bloomberg News, which the wire service unloads in two parts, one here on investment ideas and one here on politics and the economy overall: Tisch, 57, said President Barack Obama's health care reform, financial regulation and moratorium on offshore drilling are keeping businesses from spending money to expand. "The thing that business people don't like is uncertainty," Tisch said in an interview at Bloomberg's New York headquarters yesterday. "Part of the problem is that business has very little confidence in what's been going on and very little visibility."...
Soros and the Regulators
What irony that regulation, which George Soros' political spending in America has done a fair amount to increase over the years, is now, if you believe the explanation in this Bloomberg article, responsible for shutting down the business that made Mr. Soros his fortune: Soros's sons said they took the decision because new financial regulations would have made it necessary for the firm to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission by March 2012 if it continued to manage money for outsiders. Because the firm has overseen mostly family assets since 2000, when outside money accounted for about $4 billion, they decided it made more sense to run it as a family office, according to the letter.
John Paulson's Tax Strategy Fund
Bloomberg News has an article about hedge fund manager John Paulson's invitation to clients for a meeting about a fund "for investors looking to mitigate income taxes." The third paragraph of the article is this: "He seems to be more focused on avoiding income taxes than on generating returns for his investors," said Brad Alford, head of Atlanta-based Alpha Capital Management LLC, who runs a mutual fund of funds that invests in hedge funds. "It gives billionaires a bad name."
John Paulson's Tax Strategy Fund
Bloomberg News has an article about hedge fund manager John Paulson's invitation to clients for a meeting about a fund "for investors looking to mitigate income taxes." The third paragraph of the article is this: "He seems to be more focused on avoiding income taxes than on generating returns for his investors," said Brad Alford, head of Atlanta-based Alpha Capital Management LLC, who runs a mutual fund of funds that invests in hedge funds. "It gives billionaires a bad name."
Soros and the Regulators
What irony that regulation, which George Soros' political spending in America has done a fair amount to increase over the years, is now, if you believe the explanation in this Bloomberg article, responsible for shutting down the business that made Mr. Soros his fortune: Soros's sons said they took the decision because new financial regulations would have made it necessary for the firm to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission by March 2012 if it continued to manage money for outsiders. Because the firm has overseen mostly family assets since 2000, when outside money accounted for about $4 billion, they decided it made more sense to run it as a family office, according to the letter.
Jim Tisch in Bloomberg News
The CEO of Loews Corp., Jim Tisch, who is smart, gives an interview to Bloomberg News, which the wire service unloads in two parts, one here on investment ideas and one here on politics and the economy overall: Tisch, 57, said President Barack Obama's health care reform, financial regulation and moratorium on offshore drilling are keeping businesses from spending money to expand. "The thing that business people don't like is uncertainty," Tisch said in an interview at Bloomberg's New York headquarters yesterday. "Part of the problem is that business has very little confidence in what's been going on and very little visibility."...
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Katherine Burton