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Sparkling Boston
"Two Decades of Change Have Boston Sparkling" is the headline over a New York Times news article that makes Boston sound like some kind of paradise: "one of the most successful urban renaissance stories in modern American history." The newspaper claims, inaccurately, that "The blight that afflicts many urban areas is absent here." The Times article describes Boston in 1993 as "limping its way out of a recession and still reeling from the crisis over school busing." That's just nonsense. It doesn't take anything away from Mayor Menino's considerable accomplishments to say that Boston in 1993 was pretty nice, not the cesspool that the Times depicts.
The New York Times Discovers the Boy Scouts
The New York Times marks the centennial of the Boy Scouts of America with a truly egregious article and photo that run under the headline "Boy Scouts Seek a Way to Rebuild Ranks." The best indication of the vast cultural gulf separating people involved in Boy Scouts from people who report and edit the Times probably was in the photo cutline that ran with the story. "Boy Scouts said their pledge at the recent National Scout Jamboree in Fort A.P. Hill, Va. The organization is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year." As any Boy Scout would know, there is no Boy Scout "pledge." There's a Scout Law, and a Scout Oath (or Promise).
Sparkling Boston
"Two Decades of Change Have Boston Sparkling" is the headline over a New York Times news article that makes Boston sound like some kind of paradise: "one of the most successful urban renaissance stories in modern American history." The newspaper claims, inaccurately, that "The blight that afflicts many urban areas is absent here." The Times article describes Boston in 1993 as "limping its way out of a recession and still reeling from the crisis over school busing." That's just nonsense. It doesn't take anything away from Mayor Menino's considerable accomplishments to say that Boston in 1993 was pretty nice, not the cesspool that the Times depicts.
The New York Times Discovers the Boy Scouts
The New York Times marks the centennial of the Boy Scouts of America with a truly egregious article and photo that run under the headline "Boy Scouts Seek a Way to Rebuild Ranks." The best indication of the vast cultural gulf separating people involved in Boy Scouts from people who report and edit the Times probably was in the photo cutline that ran with the story. "Boy Scouts said their pledge at the recent National Scout Jamboree in Fort A.P. Hill, Va. The organization is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year." As any Boy Scout would know, there is no Boy Scout "pledge." There's a Scout Law, and a Scout Oath (or Promise).
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Katharine Q. Seelye
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