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Articles about the work of Kate Zernike

The New York Times Discovers Hayek

The New York Times has a comically bad news article attempting to explain to its readers who F.A. Hayek is. The piece reports that the Tea Party has "reached back to dusty bookshelves for long-dormant ideas" and "resurrected once-obscure texts by dead writers." As an example of this it gives F.A. Hayek's Road to Serfdom.


If They Repeat It Enough Times...

From a front-page news article in today's New York Times: "The Tea Party candidate in Nevada, Sharron Angle, has improved the odds that Senator Harry Reid, the leader of Democratic majority, hangs onto his seat."

I understand this is what passes for conventional wisdom, but what is the evidence for it? At least three recent public polls (Rasmussen, Fox, and a Las Vegas newspaper) have shown Ms. Angle with a narrow lead, and even the Times itself reported earlier this week that "Mr. Reid finds himself trapped in the race he has, in many ways, always feared."


The New York Times on Ron Paul

The New York Times has a front-page article about a Republican congressman from Texas, Ron Paul. The article is flawed by a tendentious summary of Austrian economics: "he embraces Austrian economic thought, which holds that the government has no role in regulating the economy....If there is vindication here, Mr. Paul says, it is for Austrian economic theory — an anti-Keynesian model that many mainstream economists consider radical and dismiss as magical thinking. The theory argues that markets operate properly only when they are unfettered by government regulation and intervention. It holds that the government should not have a central bank or dictate economic or monetary policy. Once the government begins any economic planning, such thinking goes, it ends up making all the economic decisions for its citizens, essentially enslaving them."


The Repeal Amendment

The New York Times has a news article about the "repeal amendment," a proposed constitutional amendment that would give two-thirds of the states power to repeal any federal law or regulation:

Any provision of law or regulation of the United States may be repealed by the several states, and such repeal shall be effective when the legislatures of two-thirds of the several states approve resolutions for this purpose that particularly describe the same provision or provisions of law or regulation to be repealed.


The New York Times Discovers Hayek

The New York Times has a comically bad news article attempting to explain to its readers who F.A. Hayek is. The piece reports that the Tea Party has "reached back to dusty bookshelves for long-dormant ideas" and "resurrected once-obscure texts by dead writers." As an example of this it gives F.A. Hayek's Road to Serfdom.


If They Repeat It Enough Times...

From a front-page news article in today's New York Times: "The Tea Party candidate in Nevada, Sharron Angle, has improved the odds that Senator Harry Reid, the leader of Democratic majority, hangs onto his seat."

I understand this is what passes for conventional wisdom, but what is the evidence for it? At least three recent public polls (Rasmussen, Fox, and a Las Vegas newspaper) have shown Ms. Angle with a narrow lead, and even the Times itself reported earlier this week that "Mr. Reid finds himself trapped in the race he has, in many ways, always feared."


The New York Times on Ron Paul

The New York Times has a front-page article about a Republican congressman from Texas, Ron Paul. The article is flawed by a tendentious summary of Austrian economics: "he embraces Austrian economic thought, which holds that the government has no role in regulating the economy....If there is vindication here, Mr. Paul says, it is for Austrian economic theory — an anti-Keynesian model that many mainstream economists consider radical and dismiss as magical thinking. The theory argues that markets operate properly only when they are unfettered by government regulation and intervention. It holds that the government should not have a central bank or dictate economic or monetary policy. Once the government begins any economic planning, such thinking goes, it ends up making all the economic decisions for its citizens, essentially enslaving them."


The Repeal Amendment

The New York Times has a news article about the "repeal amendment," a proposed constitutional amendment that would give two-thirds of the states power to repeal any federal law or regulation:

Any provision of law or regulation of the United States may be repealed by the several states, and such repeal shall be effective when the legislatures of two-thirds of the several states approve resolutions for this purpose that particularly describe the same provision or provisions of law or regulation to be repealed.


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