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Articles about the work of Hope Yen

News About Income Inequality

An Associated Press story currently getting big play on Yahoo! News runs under the headline, "Census Finds Record Gap Between Rich and Poor," and begins, "The income gap between the richest and poorest Americans grew last year to its widest amount on record." The article carries no link to specific census data and doesn't even have a reference to the specific survey, referring only to "newly released census figures."

Check out the most recent Census press release that has anything to do with this topic and it states the following, "The change in income inequality between 2008 and 2009 was not statistically significant, as measured by shares of aggregate household income by quintiles and the Gini index."


Progressing Toward Poverty

"Census shows 1 in 2 people are poor or low-income" is the headline over an Associated Press dispatch reporting, "Squeezed by rising living costs, a record number of Americans -- nearly 1 in 2 -- have fallen into poverty or are scraping by on earnings that classify them as low income."

The article quotes Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation pointing out that a lot of these "poor" people have houses, cars, and wide-screen televisions. If you are low income but own a house debt-free, you may be doing okay. But even so, the article says the numbers of the poor or low-income have grown since 2009:


Limbaugh on the Top 20 Percent

From Rush Limbaugh's radio program:

Now, there is a piece here, Associated Press, and it's by a woman named Hope Yen. "Fully 20% of US adults become rich for parts of their lives, wielding outsize influence on America's economy and politics. This little-known group may pose the biggest barrier to reducing the nation's income inequality." Now, folks, that paragraph is astounding. The paragraph acknowledges that people move in and out of income brackets.


Limbaugh on the Top 20 Percent

From Rush Limbaugh's radio program:

Now, there is a piece here, Associated Press, and it's by a woman named Hope Yen. "Fully 20% of US adults become rich for parts of their lives, wielding outsize influence on America's economy and politics. This little-known group may pose the biggest barrier to reducing the nation's income inequality." Now, folks, that paragraph is astounding. The paragraph acknowledges that people move in and out of income brackets.


Progressing Toward Poverty

"Census shows 1 in 2 people are poor or low-income" is the headline over an Associated Press dispatch reporting, "Squeezed by rising living costs, a record number of Americans -- nearly 1 in 2 -- have fallen into poverty or are scraping by on earnings that classify them as low income."

The article quotes Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation pointing out that a lot of these "poor" people have houses, cars, and wide-screen televisions. If you are low income but own a house debt-free, you may be doing okay. But even so, the article says the numbers of the poor or low-income have grown since 2009:


News About Income Inequality

An Associated Press story currently getting big play on Yahoo! News runs under the headline, "Census Finds Record Gap Between Rich and Poor," and begins, "The income gap between the richest and poorest Americans grew last year to its widest amount on record." The article carries no link to specific census data and doesn't even have a reference to the specific survey, referring only to "newly released census figures."

Check out the most recent Census press release that has anything to do with this topic and it states the following, "The change in income inequality between 2008 and 2009 was not statistically significant, as measured by shares of aggregate household income by quintiles and the Gini index."


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