Hayek's Letter to the Times
Don Boudreaux at Cafe Hayek, here, and Peter Boettke at Coordination Problem, here, have already replied to Francis Fukuyama's review in Sunday's New York Times of the new edition of F.A. Hayek's The Constitution of Liberty. (Update: as has NYU's William Easterly). Through the wonders of the Internet, however, FutureOfCapitalism has managed, miraculously, to obtain a copy of a letter to the Times in response to the review from Hayek himself, who died in 1992. Here it is: To the editor: Thank you for the review of The Constitution of Liberty, which included some high praise directed toward me and my work. Allow me, however, to reply to a few points. First, regarding race relations. Your reviewer writes:
Hayek's Letter to the Times
Don Boudreaux at Cafe Hayek, here, and Peter Boettke at Coordination Problem, here, have already replied to Francis Fukuyama's review in Sunday's New York Times of the new edition of F.A. Hayek's The Constitution of Liberty. (Update: as has NYU's William Easterly). Through the wonders of the Internet, however, FutureOfCapitalism has managed, miraculously, to obtain a copy of a letter to the Times in response to the review from Hayek himself, who died in 1992. Here it is: To the editor: Thank you for the review of The Constitution of Liberty, which included some high praise directed toward me and my work. Allow me, however, to reply to a few points. First, regarding race relations. Your reviewer writes:
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Francis Fukuyama