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Investing in Affordable Housing
A front-page Times article reports on Mayor de Blasio's plans for "affordable" housing. The article reports that "New York City will commit $8.2 billion in public funds to a 10-year housing plan" and says, "The de Blasio administration wants to invest more in affordable housing than Mr. Bloomberg did, and in less time." Smartertimes reader-contributor-watchdog-participant-community member-content co-creator Colin writes to notice, shrewdly, that the word "spend" never occurs in the news article. He writes: Rather the government "commit[s]" and "invests" taxpayer dollars (although the return on this investment is never discussed). I guess spending is only something that happens in relation to the defense budget (used three times in this February editorial).
Investing in Affordable Housing
A front-page Times article reports on Mayor de Blasio's plans for "affordable" housing. The article reports that "New York City will commit $8.2 billion in public funds to a 10-year housing plan" and says, "The de Blasio administration wants to invest more in affordable housing than Mr. Bloomberg did, and in less time." Smartertimes reader-contributor-watchdog-participant-community member-content co-creator Colin writes to notice, shrewdly, that the word "spend" never occurs in the news article. He writes: Rather the government "commit[s]" and "invests" taxpayer dollars (although the return on this investment is never discussed). I guess spending is only something that happens in relation to the defense budget (used three times in this February editorial).
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Mireya Navarro
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