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Cut Spending on the Rich
"The Real Bipartisan Compromise: Cut Spending on the Rich," is the headline over a piece by Charles Blahous at Economic Policies for the 21st Century. He writes that by slowing the growth of Medicare and Social Security benefits for higher earners and by cutting or reducing farm subsidies to higher earners, "they can simultaneously advance Republican objectives of containing the growth of government, while also advancing the Democratic message of targeting federal resources on those of greatest need – and all while reducing federal deficits....Each party would also acquire a new defense against one of the other side's primary political attacks: Democrats would have shown a willingness to address runaway spending growth, while Republicans would have demonstrated their willingness to go after 'the rich.'"
Cut Spending on the Rich
"The Real Bipartisan Compromise: Cut Spending on the Rich," is the headline over a piece by Charles Blahous at Economic Policies for the 21st Century. He writes that by slowing the growth of Medicare and Social Security benefits for higher earners and by cutting or reducing farm subsidies to higher earners, "they can simultaneously advance Republican objectives of containing the growth of government, while also advancing the Democratic message of targeting federal resources on those of greatest need – and all while reducing federal deficits....Each party would also acquire a new defense against one of the other side's primary political attacks: Democrats would have shown a willingness to address runaway spending growth, while Republicans would have demonstrated their willingness to go after 'the rich.'"
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Charles Blahous
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