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Articles about the work of Catherine Rampell

Unemployment Alarmism

From a Times news article by Catherine Rampell, who should know better:

unemployment benefits to jobless workers for longer than the normal maximum of 26 weeks have been extended repeatedly, although the maximum duration of benefits has fallen from a peak of 99 weeks to 73 weeks. The Emergency Unemployment Compensation program, financed by the federal government for states that meet certain unemployment and state benefit thresholds, is scheduled to end Jan. 1.

The recent fiscal showdown in Washington make further extensions less likely. And the end of these emergency unemployment benefits could create a further drag on the economy.


The Magma Chart

That is quite a chart of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet up at the New York Times's Economix blog.


Growth and Demographics

The New York Times's Catherine Rampell had a dispatch over the weekend making the same point we made here Friday — that growth and the debt/deficit problems are related. She got into the demographic differences between America's postwar growth boom and today, writing, "the structure of America's federal spending is different now than it was in, say, the immediate postwar decades. Back then, growth helped to erase the debt. But remember that in the 1950s, the United States didn't have Medicare. The population was younger, and Americans didn't live as long." She wrote that "whatever Washington does, many economists say the situation will grow only worse, particularly as Americans age and Medicare costs spiral higher." (Emphasis added.)


Unemployment Alarmism

From a Times news article by Catherine Rampell, who should know better:

unemployment benefits to jobless workers for longer than the normal maximum of 26 weeks have been extended repeatedly, although the maximum duration of benefits has fallen from a peak of 99 weeks to 73 weeks. The Emergency Unemployment Compensation program, financed by the federal government for states that meet certain unemployment and state benefit thresholds, is scheduled to end Jan. 1.

The recent fiscal showdown in Washington make further extensions less likely. And the end of these emergency unemployment benefits could create a further drag on the economy.


Growth and Demographics

The New York Times's Catherine Rampell had a dispatch over the weekend making the same point we made here Friday — that growth and the debt/deficit problems are related. She got into the demographic differences between America's postwar growth boom and today, writing, "the structure of America's federal spending is different now than it was in, say, the immediate postwar decades. Back then, growth helped to erase the debt. But remember that in the 1950s, the United States didn't have Medicare. The population was younger, and Americans didn't live as long." She wrote that "whatever Washington does, many economists say the situation will grow only worse, particularly as Americans age and Medicare costs spiral higher." (Emphasis added.)


The Magma Chart

That is quite a chart of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet up at the New York Times's Economix blog.


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