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When Cruelty Is Cute
The most-emailed story at the New York Times Web site this morning is Maureen Dowd's column about Paul Ryan: He's the cutest package that cruelty ever came in. He has a winning air of sad cheerfulness. He's affable, clean cut and really cut, with the Irish altar-boy widow's peak and droopy, winsome blue eyes and unashamed sentimentality. Who better to rain misery upon the heads of millions of Americans?
Maureen Dowd on Neoconservatives
New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, last seen calling Goldman Sachs "blood-sucking," is back with more anti-Semitic stereotypes in her latest column, which runs under the headline "Neocons Slither Back." "Ryan was moving his mouth, but the voice was the neocon puppet master Dan Senor," Ms. Dowd writes. The display type in the newspaper reads: "Look who's pulling the strings of Marionette Mitt and Puppet Paul." The column goes on, "If President Romney acceded to Netanyahu's outrageous demand for clear red lines on Iran, this global conflagration would be a tiny foretaste of the conflagration to come."
Maureen Dowd on Neoconservatives
New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, last seen calling Goldman Sachs "blood-sucking," is back with more anti-Semitic stereotypes in her latest column, which runs under the headline "Neocons Slither Back." "Ryan was moving his mouth, but the voice was the neocon puppet master Dan Senor," Ms. Dowd writes. The display type in the newspaper reads: "Look who's pulling the strings of Marionette Mitt and Puppet Paul." The column goes on, "If President Romney acceded to Netanyahu's outrageous demand for clear red lines on Iran, this global conflagration would be a tiny foretaste of the conflagration to come."
When Cruelty Is Cute
The most-emailed story at the New York Times Web site this morning is Maureen Dowd's column about Paul Ryan: He's the cutest package that cruelty ever came in. He has a winning air of sad cheerfulness. He's affable, clean cut and really cut, with the Irish altar-boy widow's peak and droopy, winsome blue eyes and unashamed sentimentality. Who better to rain misery upon the heads of millions of Americans?
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Maureen Dowd
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