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Anti-Abortion Film is Pro-Profit
"Anti-Abortion Film Is Pro-Profit" is the headline the New York Times put on a front-page news article about the movie "October Baby." The article summary on the Times Web site says the movie "deals with a young woman who identifies herself as an 'abortion survivor' and is paid to speak about her experiences." The article goes on to say that the movie, "was inspired by the story of Gianna Jessen, who says she was delivered alive at a California clinic after a late-term saline-injection abortion. As a paid speaker at anti-abortion events she tells of her struggles and medical conditions." A Times correction further clarifies, "The film is a work of fiction inspired by Gianna Jessen, who identifies herself as an 'abortion survivor' and is a paid speaker at anti-abortion events. The woman in the film, Hannah, is not paid to speak about her experiences."
Anti-Abortion Film is Pro-Profit
"Anti-Abortion Film Is Pro-Profit" is the headline the New York Times put on a front-page news article about the movie "October Baby." The article summary on the Times Web site says the movie "deals with a young woman who identifies herself as an 'abortion survivor' and is paid to speak about her experiences." The article goes on to say that the movie, "was inspired by the story of Gianna Jessen, who says she was delivered alive at a California clinic after a late-term saline-injection abortion. As a paid speaker at anti-abortion events she tells of her struggles and medical conditions." A Times correction further clarifies, "The film is a work of fiction inspired by Gianna Jessen, who identifies herself as an 'abortion survivor' and is a paid speaker at anti-abortion events. The woman in the film, Hannah, is not paid to speak about her experiences."
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Melena Ryzik
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