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Rattner's Ad Ban
The money manager Steven Rattner has an op-ed in the Times opposing a provision in recently enacted legislation that allows private equity and hedge funds to advertise. He writes:
Answering Rattner
Steven Rattner has a piece on the New York Times op-ed page criticizing what he says are the radical and extreme economic policies of the Republican presidential candidates. He writes: Take the agreement to avert a disastrous default by cutting at least $2.1 trillion from the deficit over the next decade. Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul all opposed it. Only Jon M. Huntsman Jr. (whose poll numbers — perhaps not coincidentally — are in the single digits) supported it.
By this measure, Mr. Rattner's pal Michael Bloomberg is also radical and extreme — the mayor published an editorial denouncing the agreement as "an alarming bipartisan mess" and warning, "the deal provides far too little future deficit reduction to put the government's finances on a sustainable path." More from Mr. Rattner:
Rattner's Ad Ban
The money manager Steven Rattner has an op-ed in the Times opposing a provision in recently enacted legislation that allows private equity and hedge funds to advertise. He writes:
Answering Rattner
Steven Rattner has a piece on the New York Times op-ed page criticizing what he says are the radical and extreme economic policies of the Republican presidential candidates. He writes: Take the agreement to avert a disastrous default by cutting at least $2.1 trillion from the deficit over the next decade. Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul all opposed it. Only Jon M. Huntsman Jr. (whose poll numbers — perhaps not coincidentally — are in the single digits) supported it.
By this measure, Mr. Rattner's pal Michael Bloomberg is also radical and extreme — the mayor published an editorial denouncing the agreement as "an alarming bipartisan mess" and warning, "the deal provides far too little future deficit reduction to put the government's finances on a sustainable path." More from Mr. Rattner:
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Steven Rattner
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