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Martha's Vineyard Myths
It's a pretty common experience: a journalist or publication you respect, trust, or admire writes or talks about an event in which you are personally involved or have firsthand knowledge. And the account turns out to be a lot less accurate than you would have expected. Here's Charles Krauthammer talking about President Obama's vacation on Martha's Vineyard: You know, the Vineyard doesn't have any bridges to it. You either get there on a ferry in your Maserati, or on a jet or a helicopter. It's not exactly where ordinary folks will take a vacation.
Here's Peggy Noonan, writing about the same topic:
Martha's Vineyard Myths
It's a pretty common experience: a journalist or publication you respect, trust, or admire writes or talks about an event in which you are personally involved or have firsthand knowledge. And the account turns out to be a lot less accurate than you would have expected. Here's Charles Krauthammer talking about President Obama's vacation on Martha's Vineyard: You know, the Vineyard doesn't have any bridges to it. You either get there on a ferry in your Maserati, or on a jet or a helicopter. It's not exactly where ordinary folks will take a vacation.
Here's Peggy Noonan, writing about the same topic:
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Peggy Noonan
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